FONDS professionell Deutschland, Ausgabe 3/2016

Fundamentales Research seit 45 Jahren Mehr als 28 Jahre Erfahrung mit risikogesteuerten Aktienanlagen Seit 35 Jahren einzigartiger Value-Ansatz Das Ziel von Janus Capital ist es für Kunden bessere Resultate durch eine Vielzahl von Anlagestrategien zu ermöglichen. Wir bieten auf fundamentaler Analyse basierende Anlagelösungen für Aktien, Anleihen, nicht-taditionelle Anlagen, risikogesteuerte Aktien und Value Aktien durch Janus, INTECH und Perkins. Jeder dieser drei Vermögensverwalter teilt den herausragenden Anspruch die langfristigen Anlageziele der Investoren zu erreichen, ohne vom jeweiligen Investmentansatz abzuweichen. Drei unterschiedliche Vermögensverwalter. Ein Anspruch um beständige Ergebnisse zu liefern. Erfahren Sie mehr unter Janus Capital Management LLC will act as sub-advisor for Janus Capital International Limited. Issued by Janus Capital International Limited. Janus Capital Management LLC , Perkins Investment Management LLC and INTECH Investment Management LLC , the investment advisor. Perkins and INTECH are indirect subsidiaries of Janus Capital Group Inc. Issued in: (a) Europe by Janus Capital International Limited (“JCIL”), authorised and regulated in the U.K by the Financial Conduct Authority; (b) Dubai by JCIL authorised and regulated by the Dubai Financial Services Authority as a Representative Office and; (c) Switzerland by Janus Capital (Switzerland) LLC, authorised and regulated by FINMA. This document does not constitute investment advice or an offer to sell, buy or a recommendation for securities, other than pursuant to an agreement in compliance with applicable laws, rules and regulations. Janus Capital Group and its subsidiaries are not responsible for any unlawful distribution of this document to any third parties, in whole or in part, or for information reconstructed from this presentation and do not guarantee that the information supplied is accurate, complete, or timely, or make any warranties with regards to the results obtained from its use. As with all investments, there are inherent risks that each individual should address. The opinions are those of the authors and are subject to change at any time due to changes in market or economic conditions. Janus Capital Management LLC, Janus Capital Singapore Pte Limited, INTECH Investment Management LLC and Perkins Investment Management LLC will act as sub-adviser to Janus Capital International Limited. Janus, INTECH and Perkins are registered trademarks of Janus International Holding LLC. © Janus International Holding LLC. For Institutional use, authorised persons and wholesale client only. AS-0316(6)0317 Europe PR